The conference will take place in two buildings of LMU right in the center of Munich.
Please point your favorite internet map service to Amalienstr. Munich for exploring the surroundings.
LMU can be conveniently reached by Munich public transportation services.
For a first overview, please visit the
LMU interactive map
and zoom to the area numbered 1 for industry tracks,
invited talks and the main research paper program.
Zoom to area 7 for workshops, coffee breaks and other events.
Conference Venue
- Industry Track and Tutorial Presentations, Invited Talks, Conference Main Program
- Auditorium M018, take your right after entering the
LMU main building at Amalienstr.
- Workshops (incl. Industry Workshop on Business Vocabularies and Rules Standardization)
- Lecture Rooms in Amalienstr. 52, the
Historicum Building of LMU.
- Hotel reservation service HRS
- You find the start page here
- Hotels.combined, a new service with special conditions for people working in research and education
Conditions can be found here
The Munich hotel search page is
The local organization team is still in contact with some hotels for a block reservation of rooms.
Due to the high frequency of conferences and other events in Munich this may take more time.
An additional option is to use the excellent regional train facilities of Munich
and book a hotel room in one of the surrounding smaller towns or suburbs.