Call for Workshop Proposals
EDOC 2008 Workshops
EDOC 2008 is inviting proposals for workshops to be held during the conference week.
Prospective workshop organizers are requested to follow the guidelines below in
submitting a workshop proposal by the submission date, and are encouraged to
contact the Workshop Chair should any questions arise.
Workshop goals and format
Workshops provide organizers and participants with an opportunity to exchange
opinions, advance ideas, and discuss preliminary results on current topics
related to enterprise computing, in a small and interactive atmosphere.
Workshops can choose to concentrate on in-depth research topics, be devoted to
discuss best practices, applications and industrial issues, or a mixture of
Workshops may be either one or two days long. Prospective workshop organizers
should clearly specify the desired length of their workshop.
Workshop proposals should be sent to the
Workshop Chair before March 03 2008, and should include:
- the workshop title,
- the names and brief (200 word) biography for each organizer,
- the proposed workshop duration (one or two days),
- a summary of the workshop topics, goals and contents (approximately 1-2 pages,
i.e., 500-1000 words),
- a brief description of the audience and community to which the workshop is
targeted, and
- a tentative Call for Papers.
We assume that submission of a workshop proposal indicates that the workshop
organizers are available to run the workshop, if accepted.
Review and Evaluation Criteria
All workshop proposals will be carefully reviewed, and acceptance will be based
- the relevance of the workshop topics and contents with regard to the topics of
the conference;
- the timeliness and expected interest in the topic (i.e., the workshop might be
of interest to a sufficiently large community within EDOC);
- the workshop's potential to advance the state of research and/or practice in the
topics of the workshop;
- the organizers' ability to lead a successful workshop.
Important Dates
- Workshop proposals due: 3 March 2008
- Workshop acceptance notification: 10 March 2008
Accepted workshops must adhere to the common deadlines listed for submission of
workshop papers, notification of acceptance of workshop papers, and preparation
of the workshop proceedings:
- Workshop web page due (including Call for Papers): 17 March 2008
- Paper submission deadline: 13 June 2008
- Paper acceptance notification: 18 July 2008
- Camera ready of papers: 28 July 2008
- Camera ready of Workshop Proceedings: 4 August 2008
- Workshop days: 15-16 September 2008
Upon acceptance, workshop organizers are expected to:
- Produce a Call for Papers, and to publish it through the most effective
distribution channels. All workshops' Call for Papers should follow a common
format, which will be provided in due course.
- Produce a Web page with all the information relevant to the workshop (including
the information from the Call for Papers, the paper submission guidelines and
deadlines, the program committee, etc.).
- Take care of the workshop's paper submission, evaluation and selection
processes. Accepted workshop papers are expected to be included in the IEEE
Digital Library (yet to be confirmed), and therefore they all should adhere to
the IEEE Computer Society format.
- Make sure that authors of accepted papers are aware that at least one of them
should register for the conference in order to present their papers. (Please
note that EDOC 2008 will not pay for any registration, travel, or other
arrangements for workshop organizers or any of their invited guests. All
participants, including workshop organizers, must register for the workshop.)
- Produce the Workshop Proceedings, which will need to be made electronically
available before the workshop so participants can download the papers.
Please address any request for further information to the EDOC 2008
Workshop Chair
Antonio Vallecillo.